The Creative Finishing School is a growing collection of frameworks, resources and mentorship programmes I’m putting together to help young creative practitioners navigate the industry and develop a wholesome practice.
Mentorship Sessions
Book a 1-hour long mentorship call with me where we discuss your short and long-term goals, plot your career trajectory, discuss any challenges you’re facing and figure out tangible next steps you can take.
Students: USD 25.00/hour
Working Professionals: USD 55.00/hour
Guided Projects
Self-driven projects can be difficult to work on, especially when you're doing it without the support of faculty/managers, or if you're doing it on the side of your job/studies. It can be hard to find motivation, set realistic expectations and stick to your own timelines.
So if you have a self-driven project you’d like to work on, I can help guide you through it. I’ll give you structures, frameworks and timelines within which to work, right from conceptualization to proposal-writing to critique, goal-setting and execution. Please note, I take on a limited number of guided projects in a year. Fill in the form and tell me briefly about your project idea. If it’s something I can help guide you with, I will reach out to you for further details and we can create a customized game plan that will suit your project.
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Video Lectures & Talks
I’m often creating videos / giving talks on a variety of topics relevant to the creative industry. I’m also looking to develop more CFS talks specifically for young creatives. So if there’s a particular topic you’d like me to cover in a video lecture, write to me and let me know!